[In this series, my husband Jonathan and I each write our reactions to films we watch together. Many of these films are ones that one of us is specifically sharing with the other, but it may also just be films that we watch and want to write about.]

The Movie

hsss-frighteners_poster_021Director: Peter Jackson
Screenplay: Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson
Cast: Michael J. Fox, Trini Alverado, Peter Dobson, John Astin, Jeffrey Combs, Dee Wallace, Jake Busey, Chi McBride
Info: 1996 New Zealand/USA, Universal
Chooser: Jonathan
Date and Method Watched: 30 March 2014, Netflix Instant

She Says…

Jandy-avatarWhen Jonathan mentioned that he’d like to put this on his list for me to watch, I was kind of like, whatever. I didn’t know anything about it except that it was Peter Jackson before he became Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson, and that it was a horror-type movie with a somewhat goofy edge. At least, I think I knew about the goofy edge – Jon usually doesn’t pick straight-up horror movies for me to watch, so maybe I just inferred that.