GAAAAAHHHHHH! Okay, this watching the show when it’s really on therefore I can’t just go straight to the next episode is NOT working for me. AAAAAHHHHH!
Meredith can swim, right? The foreshadowy tub-thing wasn’t, you know, really foreshadowy, right? Of course, I guess if it is, Derek will save her. But. Still. I did really like Alex in this episode, though I’m not really having high hopes for the woman’s baby, based on Addison’s reaction. Oh, and Mark is still a jackass. Of course. I enjoyed Callie in this episode, though. Probably because that Sydney person is, like, the most annoying ever, and Callie mocking her was so satisfying.
On a different note, it probably means that I watch way too many doctor-type TV shows that when they first showed the accident scene, I was like, “that’s it?” Yeah. I mean, it’s bad, especially once you start seeing the individual cases and realize that there are more people still stuck various places, but the opening shot looks like they’ve got it all contained in about a 50-foot square, and that there are about three times as many EMTs and Search-and-Rescue people than there are injured people. Just not how I would’ve shot it.
In news related to Grey’s Anatomy only by ABC’s programming schedule, I’m caught up with Ugly Betty, too (figured I should, after it cleaned up at the Golden Globes), and so tonight was my first ever live Ugly Betty as well as my first ever live Grey’s Anatomy. It’s a good show, too. And they’re attracting some mighty talent…apparently Lucy Liu is going to be on next week. I want to smack Henry, though. Not that it’s really his fault, but some terrible timing going on right there.
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