So You Think You Can Dance Top 14

Yay, new SYTYCD! I’m inordinately excited! But also somewhat subdued because I went to see Harry Potter 5 at midnight last night, and then got up for class at seven, and am now sort of in a daze. Still, I’m quite excited enough to make it through SYTYCD with no problems. ;) BTW, my brief take on HP5 is that though book purists may decry how much was left out, it was very well-done as a film. And after all, the book was 900 pages long. I enjoyed pretty much every second except, like, ten. But saying more would get spoilery, and most everybody who’s seen it will know which ten seconds didn’t quite live up to the book.

I didn’t have a problem with them eliminating Jessi, but I wish when Nigel was discussing that controversial decision, he’d talked a little bit about WHY they chose her to go instead of just defending their right to make the decision. He didn’t come across as defensive, which was good, but still…my only concern about Jessi’s elimination was that it was so sudden and without any spoken justification.

edit: Now with video. I know some of you sometimes miss the show; would you like me to include the judging section and/or the rehearsal section as well as the dance itself? In the meantime, here’s my pick for the best dance of the night: Sara and Pasha’s West Coast Swing, choreographed by Benji Schwimmer. Everything else is below the jump.

Lacey and Kameron
style: the hustle

Kameron, I don’t have any trouble believing you’re a daredevil. :) I like that about you. What the heck is a hustle? I’m sure they’re going to be fine, despite their concerns. They’ve been like, Ooh, I don’t know how this is going to go every week, and they always rock. Dude, how does that top stay on? See, they did fine. It wasn’t as much of a WOW number as their previous ones for me, but that’s the dance more than the dancers. They sell everything they’re doing, though, and that’s what makes them THE BEST COUPLE HERE. I’m going to hate it when they’re split up. That’s going to totally suck. AHA! Nigel just said that Lacey’s better than Benji! I’m not the only one who likes her better than her brother. Not that I don’t like Benji, but he would’ve finished third or fourth if I’d been solely responsible for the elimination order last year.

Shauna and Cedric
style: mambo

Dancing the mambo, this will probably be Cedric’s last week. Unless he gets the sympathy vote again. Is there a dance version of karaoke? Because that’s what I sort of felt like watching that. The no shirtsleeves wardrobe didn’t really help him out IMO. Okay, so Mary’s on his side now. He did better than he could’ve, I’ll admit, but the whole thing felt uncomfortable to me. I’m sorry. Shauna was there, though, as she always is.

Anya and Danny
style: contemporary

YAY! This should be awesome. And, it was. They’re the other best couple here. They’re the best grown-up couple here. Lacey and Kameron are the best young couple here. Their movement is gorgeous. Yeah, I really don’t have much else to say about the routine–it was beautiful from start to finish. They’ve got Danny pegged…his technique is amazing, and he looks beautiful, but his connection with audience isn’t quite there. I appreciate him, but I don’t love him. Anya, however, I love.

Sara and Pasha
style: West Coast Swing

This should be interesting. Dude, is there anything that Sara doesn’t do or hasn’t done? She’s great. Dude, Pasha’s a techie wannabe! Now I want him even more. Dude, Benji’s choreographing! That’s awesome! I am not a fan of Benji’s current hair. Hee, you can TOTALLY tell Benji choreographed this. I love it, though! It’s goofy and cool and fun and awesome! They’re the new best team here. Hm…the best team podium is a getting a little crowded. And they worked together SO WELL. I was concerned that they wouldn’t hit it off, but they absolutely did. I think Pasha could dance with a post, though, and it’d look good. ;) Not that Sara is a post. By no means. She’s also incredible. I’m just saying.

Sabra and Dominic
style: hip hop

All right, hip hop for Dominic! Sabra was in High School Musical! So was Allison! Which was pretty much the only reason for watching it. Do I have to watch again now to pick out Sabra? I’m thinking not. Did Dominic just say Cat has a French accent? Um. Yay Shane Sparks hip-hop routine! This is going to be good. Yep, lovely! And hot. I thought I was going to have to family-show them a time or two. ;) I love what Shane does with his numbers. He’s great. And Sabra is firmly on the list of people who can do whatever they try. I knew Dominic would be awesome, so I didn’t pay as much attention to him, I must admit. YES!! Nigel brought up Ivan and Allison and the umbrella! That was one of my top five favorite routines last year.

Jaimie and Hok
style: American smooth waltz

Hee. Another doomed love story, just for Nigel. ;) Regarding crushes, I honestly don’t see how dancing these numbers every week wouldn’t create some sort of close connection possibly including crushing. Most of the couples certainly make me believe they love each other every week. Which I know, acting, right, but still. Ooh, I love this song (Angel by Sarah McLachlan). Pretty. I was thinking too much about dancers falling in love with each other to really pay enough attention. I’m sorry.

Lauren and Neil
style: jazz

Wade Robson number? Please? Pretty please? YES!! Geez, look at those teeny heels. I couldn’t even walk in those things, much less dance Wade’s craziness. Hee, that was fun. Neil totally sold me on that. Lauren was good, but Neil was awesome. Wade is the best. I didn’t know Neil’s hair was that long. Wow.

Best Tonight: Lacey & Kameron, Anya & Danny, Sara & Pasha
Bottom Three: Shauna & Cedric, Jaimie & Hok, and I have no idea.
Going Home: Cedric & I have no idea.


NO! America, stop putting Anya and Danny in the Bottom 3! Seriously. If I had to pick someone to have joined my bottom two listed above, it probably would’ve been Sabra and Dominic. Based on the solos alone, Anya would be gone, but I’m really glad they kept her. I like her a lot, and solo dancing for a ballroom dancer is HARD. She’s going to have to learn, though. But Shauna and Jaimie were both AWESOME. I’m sorry to lose Shauna, but I really couldn’t have picked a girl I would’ve wanted to leave. Still. Shauna’s solos are amazing, and I generally liked her more than Jaimie. But oh, well. I think they almost picked too good of a top twenty this year. It makes it so hard to let any of them leave! It was Cedric’s time, though. I like him, but he was clearly the weakest dancer left. Now that he’s gone, next week’s eliminations are going to TOTALLY suck.


Jean-Luc Godard – a course in cinema


So You Think You Can Dance Top 12


  1. Rebecca

    Yes please please please post the judging section and rehearsal sections. I live outside the US and can’t watch SYTYCD on tv but I love it. Thanks :)

  2. Rebecca

    Yes please please please post the judging section and rehearsal sections. I live outside the US and can’t watch SYTYCD on tv but I love it. Thanks :)

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