When Posters Attack: The Rite

I have absolutely no interest in seeing The Rite, an exorcism-demon possession horror film dumped in the rear-end of January, but I just needed to subject you all to the poster. Because, I swear, this thing scares the crap out of me at least three times a week as I’m driving around LA and Anthony Hopkins’ eyes emerge from the darkness. The worst is the bus stop just as you crown the hill going from Hollywood to the Valley on Laurel Canyon. It’s a pretty steep rise on both sides, and you just come over the hill and BAM. Anthony Hopkins staring at you creeptastically from the bus stop. The first time I thought it was actual creeptastic person lying in wait there.

Can’t wait until this movie is out of theatres.


Theatre Review: Next to Normal


Cinema 101: Introductory Remarks


  1. The one near my place is also pretty creepy as it’s near a small salvage yard, which is already creepy at night to begin with.

    • One thing is that the face/eye part is so much brighter than the rest of the poster, including the words, that it always takes me a minute to realize that I’m looking at a movie poster. I’m just like OMG WHAT THE HELL IS THAT. (Weirdly, the light tan parts at the edge don’t seem to register when you see the poster/billboards at night.)

      • If I ever have the fortunate distinction of meeting Anthony Hopkins, I want to express to him just how creepy this ad campaign has been and how much is has creeped me out at night. I hope he takes it as a compliment. Might also say I saw him in that “wonderful” film Bad Company just to confuse him.

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